Indulging in some fab yarns and travelling back to the 1980s

This week I'm wearing a jumper I knitted in the 1980's from the very first Rowan Magazine. I made it from two projects unraveled and is now one of my favourite makes. I've finished the little sheep cardigan using WYS bo peep yarn and Mr Ws Meandering Monk socks. I still have plenty of other projects to work on while I wait for more wool supplies to arrive in the post.

Indulging in some fab baby yarn, preparing for Christmas, and supporting local Yarn Shops

Last week I finished a couple of projects so I get to start some new ones! I’m kitting a lovely cardigan for a special little girl using West Yorkshire Spinners Bo Beep baby wool, it is so lovely. I’m also trying out some designs for crocheted masks as possible Christmas presents.

Don’t for get that Saturday is Yarn Shop Day (14 November) so contact your local shop and buy some yarn from them. Use them or loose them.

Crocheting with local hand dyded yarn in a sunny back garden

It's a beautiful sunny day so I'm crocheting in the garden. I'm loving my latest crochet project. A fab top from Inside Crochet by Kath Webber called Himalayan Salt Tee. I'm using some rather nice hand dyed sock yarn from Under an English Sky and it's rather good.

I don't have any knitting on the go at the moment and can't make up my mind whether to do a spot of brioche or go for the cute baby knit.